- Coatesville Area School District
- Tech 1:1
Tech 1:1
Contact ITHelpdesk
Contact IT Helpdesk by emailing ITHelpdesk@casdschools.org
Hot Spot Instruction
How to Video - Connect to your Hot Spot
How To Connect your Hot Spot - Spanish
different network, type in that network’s password.
Technology Chromebook 1:1 FAQ's
- What does 1:1 mean?
The 1:1 (one to one) initiative provides each student with access to a district owned computer, for in school and at home use for all educational purposes.
- Why is the district pursuing a 1:1 environment for our students?
CASD believes that it is important to move toward having technology integrated into the teaching and learning environment to develop 21st Century Skills for all of our students. The grant opportunity allows us to begin that integration.
- What will my child receive?
Each student will (k-10) receive an HP 11 G6 Chromebook. CASH Students will receive the previously owned Chromebook. As their journey at the district will end in coordination with the licensing on the Chromebooks. High school students are expected to have them every day at school and follow the expectations further outlined in the student handbook. Students will also receive a hotspot that gives them internet access wherever they go. The hotspot allows the student to receive 2 Gb of data each month.
- Why are we all receiving a T-Mobile hotspot?
Through the T-mobile grant we are required to provide each child with home access. The hotspots can be used to connect to the internet anywhere, at home, out of town, or on the go. To read the specifics of the grant click here.
- Will the district be providing protective sleeves for the Chromebook to be transported back and forth between school and home?
The district will not be providing protective sleeves for the Chromebooks. However, if you would like to invest in a sleeve, the HP 11 G6 Chromebook is the model (12” sleeves are recommended.)
- Can students take the devices home?
All students K-12 have the option to take the devices home. Students who have not yet paid the TIF or signed the 1:1 agreement, will not be permitted to take the device home.
- Will students have the option to leave them at school?
Elementary students will be given the option to leave their devices at school in the classroom rather than taking them home at night. For the elementary level, there will be charging stations in the homerooms. Please contact your child's teacher directly to request an elementary students device be stored at school.
For secondary level students, the devices will be the responsibility of the student for safekeeping and charging each night. It is recommended that the device be taken home. Safe/secure storage/charging in each building is being reviewed (to be determined by need) for students whose parents request devices to stay at school. Please contact your child's principal to request your secondary students device be stored at school.
- Will there be a cost to families for participating?
Taking care of a computer can be a big responsibility, so in order to protect the district’s investment and your child’s educational technology, all parents/legal guardians are to pay the TIF (Technology Insurance Fee). This will be an annual fee of $40, per student with a $100 cap for families with 3 or more students. If you have a financial hardship, please talk with a school administrator about a payment plan.
- Why would we have to pay anything if the Chromebooks were part of a grant?
The grant did not fund all of the aspects of the initiative.
- What is a TIF and what does it cover?
In order to protect the district’s investment while also making sure that we create a technology program that is sustainable, the CASD Technology Task Force Team determined the need for a TIF. Not only does that TIF cover the protection of the device, purchased through an outside company, and supplemented by our technology department, it also covers the costs associated with the licensing for each Chromebook along with any other additional costs associated with keeping the fleet of Chromebooks usable.
- How can the fee be paid?
Payments can be made through Rev Trak, check, or money order made out to the Coatesville Area School District. Parents/guardians should include the child's name and TIF in memo line. Submission of a check or money order should be to the school secretary.
- Which building do I pay if I have students in different buildings?
Parents/guardians can send the payment for their children to one building. It can be sent with the oldest child to the school he or she attends.
- When is the payment due?
Payment is due by October 30th, 2019. This may be extended if parents need additional time to make payment.
- Is the TIF a monthly fee or an annual fee?
The TIF is an annual fee. It will be paid once a year. It can be paid through check, money order or RevTrak.
- Are families permitted to opt out?
Parents/legal guardians do have a choice to opt out of allowing their students to bring home their device. However, students are all assigned a device for use in school. The students will still be responsible for the care of their computers in school (much like a textbook).
- If students don’t take the devices home (parent opts out), will parents still need to pay the TIF?
While we expect students to take good care of their computers in and out of school, we must remember that accidents and malfunctions can and still do occur. Any student with an unpaid $40 TIF will leave the parent/guardian liable for the full repair or replacement cost should your student mishandle or accidently harm his or her device.
- Is the $40 refunded at the end of the year if the Chromebook is in good condition and no damage loss or theft occurs?
It cannot be refunded. The insurance company does not provide the services without the fee.
- If we have T-mobile do we get a discount?
T-Mobile is not the provider of equipment or insurance. T-mobile is only providing HotSpot internet cellular service at an already (awarded) discounted rate paid for by the district through the grant award. Therefore, no discount is available.
- CASD is paying less than $30, so why do I have to pay $40?
The insurance company the board approved charges parents $38 with an additional handling charge. However, the other option offered to the Task Force ultimately was found to be more financially responsible. The insurance company offered a discounted price to the district for the upfront cost of all the devices. Resulting in an opportunity for sustainability.
- Why don't the cyber students pay for devices?
All enrolled students are asked to pay the $40 insurance fee as part of the 1:1 initiative.
- Is there anything not covered by the insurance?
The following examples are not covered in the insurance policy; however, it may not be limited to these examples. Corrosion & Rust, Cosmetic Damage, Electrical Breakdown, Intentional Acts, Mechanical Breakdown, Theft from Unlocked Vehicle, Mysterious Disappearance/Loss, Wear & Tear. All claims must be reported within 60 days of the damage or theft. All theft claims must have a police report filed within 5 days of the theft and must include the serial number on the report.
- What is full price of a Chromebook replacement?
The declared value at the time of insurance premium calculations is $240 per unit. Full replacement cost of the device is determined by the cost to the District to purchase its replacement.
- Is there an option to purchase to Chromebook?
The option to purchase the Chromebooks does not currently exist. This option may be discussed in the future
- Will there be an option to keep the same device or will students be expected to return it every year?
The devices will be collected at the end of each school year. Collecting the devices will allow our Technology Department time to account for equipment and prepare for the upcoming school year. This also allows us the opportunity to suspend service (internet) on the HotSpots throughout the summer, prolonging their use.
- Have the teachers been trained on how to incorporate the use of these devices in the classroom/curriculum?
Teachers received training and will have ongoing training. Some teachers have had technology incorporated in the classroom for years and are excited to extend to home access as well. Teachers, who are more comfortable and experienced, will help to train other teachers. Our goal is to have this type of excitement and integration in all classrooms.
- What happens if my students need to get their laptop fixed or replaced?
The district will provide a loaner device to a student if his or her computer needs to be repaired. This process will be detailed in a future bulletin.
- Is there filtering if I use my device on my home wifi?
The ChromeBooks have filtering software on the device, installed by the district. This provides base level filtering on all networks including, home wifi, school network and hotspot. The hotspot has filtering built in, giving you an additional layer of filtering when using the hotspot. The school network has additional filtering as well.
- What happens if my student goes over 2GB of data limit on the hotspot? Will I be charged?
Data on the hotspot is throttled after 2GB. This means it will become incredibly slow, essentially unusable. You will not be charged for going over 2gig.
- Who should be contacted if we have any questions or concerns?
- Questions and concerns can be sent to the following email or phone number.
Email Address: ITHelpdesk@casdschools.org
Phone Number: 610-466-2400 x 10002
- What does 1:1 mean?
Student & Parent/Guardian 1:1 Handbook
Please familiarize yourself and your CASD Learner with the Chromebook Handbook. An online version is available using the link below.
Student & Parent/Guardian 1:1 Handbook
To Complete the 1:1 Handbook electronically, please utilize the link below:
Online Electronic Submission Form
Estudiante & Padre/GuardiƔn 1:1 Manual
Por favor, familiarízate a ti mismo y a tu estudiante CASD con el Manual de Chromebook. Una versión en línea está disponible utilizando el siguiente enlace.