Phone: 610-383-3735x61303


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Secondary Mathematics Education BS Elementary Education MS Ed. Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Julie Barlip

Welcome to Math Class in the 9/10 Center

My name is Julie Barlip and I will be your math teacher this year.  This is my 16th year teaching in the Coatesville Area School District.  I look forward to working with and supporting you in your mathematics journey!

Should we be put under an extended absence, please work through the Geometry Practices linked below to keep fresh!! 

Visit the link: CPM Parent Guide/Extra Practice

Work through topics 2, 3, 5-14

You do not need to print them out but besure to put your name, topic, work and circle your answers.

Extra credit or points toward missing assignments/low test scores will be given for any you complete and show work and answers. 

Return completed work by 4/8.