- Coatesville Area Intermediate High School
- Course Expectations
How to Learn and Study a Foreign Language?
Well, there isn’t really a shortcut, so the more effort you put into the process, the more proficient you’ll become. So,...
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions and to make mistakes!
- Language has a lot to do with memorization. You’ll need to memorize all the words presented to you in class. Then…..practice, practice and more practice. Practice is extremely
important in foreign language acquisition.
- Learn how you learn best:
- Make flashcards - use the app. quizlet
- Find connections with other words or things
- Repeat and write vocabulary words
- Note taking
- Studying in adequate places and times
- No cellphone unless you're using quizlet or any other related resource for learning
- Or pretty much, anything that will work for you
- Be brave .Don’t’ be afraid to speak in public
#1 expectation:
Be a part of the learning process.
- The more involved you are in class activties, games, competitions and conversations the more you will learn. So,...
- Be prepared
- Be attentive
- No cellphone and headphones during class unless instructed otherwise
- Do your warm ups & exit tickets
- Mingle in Spanish
- Volunteer
- Get involved in class/group activities
- Take notes
- Get Stamps
- No redirections to do work or to be active in the learning process. No disruptions to the teaching and learning process. Refer to syllabus packet.
“Sow a thought and reap and action; sow an action and reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow a character and reap a destiny.”(Emerson, Ralph Waldo).
¡Bienvenido a la clase de español!