• Course Selection for the Cyber Academy generally takes place in April, and you will receive information via the cyber newsletter sent each week. Students are expected to take 7 credits each year of High School, of which 24 credits are required to graduate at the end of your senior year. If you do not have 24 credits AND 1 credit per year for each core course, you will not be permitted to graduate.


    Please Click Below to see the Cyber Course Catalog:

    9th-12th grade Cyber Course Catalog

    6th-8th grade Cyber Course Catalog

  • Technical College High School (TCHS)

    The Technical College High School Brandywine Campus (TCHS) provides career and technical programs for high school students. Applications can be submitted directly on the TCHS website below, and should be started in mid- October.  Coatesville Area School District Cyber students typically attend their technical programs in the morning, and a bus will bring you back to CASH for parent pickup/transport home.  Students from Coatesville typically enter these programs in the 10th grade and often attend for three years. They receive three elective credits each year. This career and technical training can lead to employment or post-secondary education after graduation. For more information, a list of programs, and admission information, please visit the TCHS website at: https://www.cciu.org/tchsbrandywine.


    Please click here to see the ACT 158 Pathways to Graduation Graphic




    Students who will graduate from Coatesville Area School District (CASH and CYBER) in 2023 and beyond now have additional options to meet the statewide graduation requirement.  In addition to meeting district requirements, students must also meet one of the following options as a graduation requirement:


    OPTION 1: KEYSTONE PROFICIENCY PATHWAY Student must earn a proficient or advanced score on all three Keystone Exams: Algebra I, Literature, and Biology.


    OPTION 2: KEYSTONE COMPOSITE PATHWAY Student must earn a composite score of 4452 on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams. Student must also earn a proficient or advanced score on at least one of the three exams. The student may not earn a Below Basic score on either of the other two exams.


    OPTION 3: ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT PATHWAY Student must earn a passing grade in the course(s) associated with each Keystone Exam on which the student did not earn at a proficient or advanced score. These courses include: Algebra I, 10th grade Academic English, and Biology I. Student must also achieve one of the following: • Attainment of an established score on an approved alternate assessment (SAT, PSAT, ACT, ASVAB); o SAT: 1010 o PSAT: 970 o ACT: 21 o ASVAB: the minimum score required for admittance to the armed services branch during the year the student graduates • Gold Level on the ACT WorkKeys Assessment; • Attainment of at least a ‘3’ score on an Advanced Placement Program exam in an academic content area associated with each Keystone Exam on which the student did not achieve a proficient or advanced score; • Successful completion of a concurrent enrollment course (ex. college-in-high school course) in an academic content area associated with each Keystone Exam in which the student did not achieve at least a proficient score; • Successful completion of a pre-apprenticeship program; or • Acceptance in an accredited 4-year nonprofit institution of higher education and evidence of the ability to enroll in college-level coursework.


    OPTION 4: EVIDENCE BASED PATHWAY Student must earn a passing grade in the course(s) associated with each Keystone Exam that a proficient or advanced score was not earned. These courses include: Algebra I, 10th grade Academic English, and Biology I. Student must also demonstrate three pieces of evidence consistent with the student’s goals and career plans, including: • One of the following: o Attainment of an established score on the ACT WorkKeys assessment (Silver Level), a SAT subject test (score of 630), an Advanced Placement Program Exam (score of 3); o Acceptance to an accredited nonprofit institution of higher education other than a 4- year institution and evidence of the ability to enroll in college-level coursework; o Attainment of an industry-recognized credential; or o Successful completion of a concurrent enrollment or postsecondary course; and • Two additional pieces of evidence, including one or more of the options listed above, or: satisfactory completion of a service learning project; attainment of a score of proficient or advanced on a Keystone Exam; a letter guaranteeing full-time employment; a certificate of successful completion of an internship or cooperative education program; or satisfactory compliance with the NCAA's core courses for college-bound student athletes with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.


    OPTION 5: CTE PATHWAY Students, who are Career and Technical Education (CTE) Concentrators, must earn a passing grade in the course(s) associated with each Keystone Exam on which a proficient or advanced score was not earned. These courses include: Algebra I, 10th grade Academic English, and Biology I. Student must also attain an industry-based competency certification related to the CTE Concentrator's program of study or demonstration of a high likelihood of success on an approved industry-based competency assessment or readiness for continued meaningful engagement in the CTE Concentrator's program of study.


    Naviance and Career & College Readiness


    All students in grades K-12 will need to complete college and career benchmarks.  For students in grades 8-12, most benchmark activities will be completed on Naviance. 


    Naviance is an online program that the district has invested in for our students to start their career & college planning. Naviance is software provider that partners with high schools and other K–12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools. The State of Pennsylvania requires all students to complete activities as evidence that you are participating in Career & College Readiness to meet the Pennsylvania Career Standards Benchmark. Students must complete the grade specific online activities in Naviance each school year. Through these activities, students will be exploring pathways working toward a career upon graduation.


    Please refer to the information below for assistance with logging on to Naviance using CLEVER:

    1. Login to Naviance using the following URL address: CLICK HERE

    2. Click on the icon that states "Sign in with Clever."

    3. Enter Coatesville Cyber Academy when asked to search for your school.

    4. Select school email address when asked to "Log in with Google". Enter school email if it does not appear. School email address uses the following format:


    5. Students should not have to log in again unless you change your device.

    6. Enter student individual Naviance account and look under “PLANNER” at the top of the student page and click on “TASKS” for a list of “TASKS ASSIGNED TO ME.