- King's Highway Elementary
- Overview
About Us...
The primary role of the Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) is to allow parents and school staff to work together to support the educational experience of the students.
The PTO does all it can to enhance this experience by contributing to special activities, programs, assemblies and projects. The PTO also provides educational materials and means for students to better organize their work. Fun is added to the school year with Field Day, Family Bingo, Homeroom Parties, Donuts with Dad, Cookies with Santa, Holiday Shoppe, Book Fairs and other events. The PTO raises funds for these activities through fundraisers, and by collecting General Mills box tops, Campbell's labels, and Turkey Hill milk caps.
The PTO welcomes participation from parents and relatives. Support of the fundraisers and collecting the items listed above is one means of getting involved. Giving of your time to help with the many activities the PTO coordinates is a great way to participate in your child's school experience. Some activities can be supported at home; others require time to be spent in the school or the classroom. Whether it is just an hour of your time to help with one of the events or chairing a committee, the PTO needs your help.
If you have any questions, please contact any member of the PTO.