CASD Directory

  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • All
  • Administration
  • Administration Bldg.
  • Administration Building
  • All Schools (substitute)
  • Building & Grounds
  • Caln
  • Caln Elementary and Scott Middle School
  • CASD Cyber Academy
  • Coatesville Area High School
  • Coatesville Area Intermediate High School
  • Coatesville Area Senior High
  • East Fallowfield
  • Kings Highway
  • King's Highway
  • Multiple Buildings
  • North
  • North Brandywine
  • Rainbow
  • Reeceville
  • Reeceville Elementary School
  • Scott
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • All
  • (610) 383-6946
  • 610 383 3780
  • 610 466 2400
  • 610-383-3730
  • 610-383-3735
  • 610-383-3740
  • 610-383-3745
  • 610-383-3760
  • 610-383-3765
  • 610-383-3775
  • 610-383-3780
  • 610-383-3785
  • 610-383-6946
  • 610-466-2400
  • 610-466-2475
  • Starts With
  • Contains