- Coatesville Area School District
- COVID-19 Updates
District reopening information 7-17-2020
Dear Coatesville Area School District Families and Staff,
I hope you are having a restful summer so far and staying healthy and safe. I am writing today to share an update about our planning for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
Our commitment to health and safety drives everything that we do. It drove the transition to remote learning this past March, when closing school buildings was essential to flattening the curve of COVID-19 infection across Pennsylvania. As you know, it was profoundly challenging, but you and your children handled it with effort, patience and flexibility, and school communities came together to make it work. As we have reflected on our practice, we are in the process of making needed adjustments to ensure we meet the needs of our students for the upcoming school year.
Now, almost four months later, our commitment to health and safety will drive us into the new school year. We have been through so much together, and as we look to September; we see a continuing rise in cases across the country. As the pandemic has continued to evolve, so has guidance from County, State, and Federal health authorities and agencies.
I would like to thank you for responding to our survey asking about preferences and concerns for the upcoming year. Your input has been critical in our planning. What is clear is that this is much bigger than an education issue; it is a health and safety issue, and we must be prepared to adapt. What is also clear is we will begin the 2020-21 school year in an unprecedented way—including new health protocols, physical distancing, and more.
Our re-opening plan is in the process of being drafted and it has changed numerous times given the shift in guidance. Just yesterday, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) issued guidance to schools, and we are reviewing it to see what additional changes we much consider. At the bottom of this note you will see a timeline of our decision-making process.
Our primary goal is to bring students and staff back to school five days a week. Many families want as much in-person instruction as is safely possible, however, the more we see what is happening across the country, the more I believe this goal is becoming less realistic under rapidly changing guidance. A key component of our plan will include the opportunities for any family to choose all-remote learning, for any reason. A model we are exploring is a hybrid model in which some students are taught on-site in school for part of the week, and attend school remotely on the other days of the week. I have been in conversations with my colleagues throughout Chester County about this model as well as others. It requires detailed planning and as plans emerge, I will communicate the feasibility of them to you.
Our plans must be flexible so we can adjust and update as needed, as the public health landscape continues to evolve. Please remember that this guidance may change as public health conditions evolve. Our administrative team understands the anxiety surrounding this issue. We feel it, as well. We will work with you every step of the way to answer questions around scheduling, transportation, what happens if there is a confirmed case in a school, and much more. I am committed to doing everything I can to thoroughly communicate and try to make the school year as positive and supportive as possible - and I will not compromise on health and safety.
Thank you for your patience and support as we move forward to try to best serve our students in this challenging time. As shared at the board meeting, this coming Tuesday, July 21st at 5:00 PM, we will hold a virtual community forum, at which time we will share our current re-opening strategy. A link for viewing the meeting will be posted to the homepage of the District website.
Tomas Hanna, Superintendent
Parent Educational Update 4.8.20
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
I hope this email finds you and your family safe and healthy. I apologize for the length of this email, but as we start to implement our distance learning program for all students on Tuesday, April 14th, there is a lot of information to share. Our primary goal is to provide our students with a daily routine while maintaining engagement in learning. Our first priority is for teachers to connect with students and parents for online learning.
To be prepared for next week, we are asking you to do the following and utilize the following resources:
- If you are still in need of technology for online learning, please contact our IT Department Help Desk by emailing IThelpdesk@casdschools.org
- We are asking that you make a connection with each of your teachers through your student email. Click on this link for instructions on how to log into your email, reset your password and contact the Technology department: https://tinyurl.com/CASDstudentHelp
- Online Learning Tab Instructions: Please visit our Online Learning tools for Parents and students by going to our CASD website: https://tinyurl.com/CASDOnLine
- Desktop of student Chromebooks: Login to your Chromebook with your student ID# (12345678@casdschools.org) and your password.
Each student Chromebook has tabs that help direct them. The tabs are as follows:
- CASD Website Homepage (www.casdschools.org)
- Technology/Student Handbook (https://tinyurl.com/CASDStudent1to1)
- Student Outlook pw Reset directions (https://tinyurl.com/CASDstudentHelp)
- Sign into your Microsoft email (https://login.live.com/)
- BSD Online/Home page (https://app.bsd.education/)
As a parent, it’s important that you understand we are not asking our staff to be online all day as they, too, are sequestered at home and many are caring for young children. Our teachers have been working diligently to create lessons for their students, schedule some time to meet with them and their parents, and take attendance to make sure we have connections with our students.
We realize that we will not have this plan fully operational immediately and expect it will take a week or more for students and staff to settle into a new routine. We are asking our staff to take their time and make sure they make the connections with our families, get them comfortable logging in to receive information from teachers in the platform, and create some small lessons for their students and families to get familiar with the process for instruction.
I would like to once again thank our staff for their adaptability and commitment, and for the many parents and community members who have volunteered to assist us. Here are just a few ways we have come together as a school community:
- 56, 082 meals have been delivered to students who are part of the Free and Reduced meal program
- More than 50 families have been provided student desks and art supplies to establish at-home learning centers.
- 5, 640 Chromebooks and Hot Spots are available or in the hands of students to use for distance learning activities. We have six more days of scheduled technology pick up, and we are at about 75% distribution.
- Our technology Help Desk has aided with distance learning and has answered more than 900 family and staff inquiries.
- We have provided extensive professional development to staff to prepare them as we enter online learning.
I am so grateful to our staff who have continued to reach out to our families and dedicate countless hours preparing for online learning.
Thank you for your support for our staff members, and for your students. Please reach out to your school principal with questions.
Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
Parent Education Update 3.31.20
Good Evening CASD Parents and Guardians,
I hope this message finds you and your family safe and healthy. As you likely know, Governor Wolf has announced that all Pennsylvania schools will remain closed indefinitely. I would like to give you an update as we move forward with online learning.
Our teachers will continue to support our students through remediation and enrichment type of activities through this week.
On April 14, we will to be ready to start delivering online instruction. This will not be a true replacement for our traditional in-person program. The vast majority of schools in our country are struggling with how to deliver instruction while teachers are at home caring for their own families, and many parents are now working from home while trying to help their children, or, leaving their children with relatives while they work.
- We have been distributing devices to our students. Between now and April 14, our teachers are training on the software we’ll use to deliver instruction, develop plans for instruction, will be connecting with your children, setting up their online classrooms, and linking resources to the platform.
- We are adjusting the marking periods. We are ending the second trimester on April 17. Teachers will be using the April 14 – 17 to work with students closing out the marking period. The new marking period will start on April 20 and close on June 11.
I know these times are extremely challenging as this “new normal” continues to become a prolonged reality for us all. Despite the closure, we will continue to operate remotely and provide administrative and educational services to the extent possible.
Please continue to practice social distancing and safe measures to not only protect you and your families, but to protect our overall community, as well.
Thank you again for supporting us through these many unknowns and changes. I appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
We look forward to seeing you all again, hopefully very soon, in our offices, in our schools and in person; until then, stay healthy, stay safe and stay home.
Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.23.2020
School Closure and Board Meeting Live StreamMon 3/23/2020 6:35 PMDear Coatesville Area School District Community Members:
During his 2:00 PM press conference today, Governor Wolf announced an extension of closure for all Pennsylvania schools. As a result, the Coatesville Area School District will remain closed until at least April 13, 2020. We will provide more detailed communication regarding the impact to District operations and student learning opportunities later this week.
We have created an email address to receive public comments on the Coatesville Area School District Board Agenda items for the School Board meeting on March 24, 2020. This meeting will be held virtually and can be viewed on YouTube. Access to view the live stream will be public, and the link to bring up the stream can be found on the district homepage, left-hand column, under “Announcements”. The stream will go live and can be accessed beginning at 6:30 p.m. without sound. The Board meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with sound.
Anyone wishing to make public comment on the agenda may do so by submitting their comment including their name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable. Comments can be submitted via email to vboardmeeting@casdschools.org no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, March 23rd.
Comments following the board meeting can be submitted online to the same email address. Please include your name, address, and group affiliation. We will take these comments or questions until 5 minutes after the last agenda item is presented. The comments and questions will be read in the order in which they are received. If there is a question or comment that was already asked, the repetitive questions and comments will not be re-read. Questions and comments not addressed will be placed on an FAQ sheet, and the FAQ document on the district website. Thank you for your support during this difficult time and we appreciate your understanding as chart new waters in making our board meetings work for our community.
Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.20.2020
Update 3.20.20
Dear Parents, Staff and Community Members,
The board meeting on March 24th, 2020 will be held virtually and can be viewed on YouTube. Access to view the live stream will be public and the link to bring up the stream can be found on the district homepage, left-hand column, under “Announcements”. The stream will go live and can be accessed beginning at 6:30pm without sound and the board meeting will begin at 7:00pm on March 24th.
In accordance with board policy 903, the board will accept public comment for the March 24th school board meeting that is being held virtually. Anyone wishing to make public comment may do so by submitting their comment including their name, address, and group affiliation, if applicable. Comments can be submitted via email to vboardmeeting@casdschools.org no later than 5pm on Monday, March 23rd.
This week Monday, March 23rd - Friday, March 27th, we will be holding a virtual spirit week. Please participate and either tag us in your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter photos, or email them to crescenzm@casdschools.org, and we will be happy to share! Here are the themes:
- Monday - Pajama Day: send us your coziest shots!
- Tuesday - Pet Pals: send us shots of your pet or stuffed animal helping you study!
- Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday: Send us shots of your tackiest, most clashing attire.
- Thursday - What ya reading? Send us a photo of the current book you're reading.
- Friday - School Spirit Day - Show us your Coatesville spirit by wearing red and black or your favorite spirit-wear.
We will be changing the hours for meal distribution. Meals will be distributed from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Meals will be distributed at the following locations:
- Caln - 3609 Lincoln Highway
- CASH - 1445 Lincoln Highway
- Scott - 800 Olive St.
- Benner - 545 E. Lincoln Highway
- Holy Tabernacle Church - 533 Coates St.
- Little Chef (West End) - 152 Strode Ave.
- South Coatesville Borough Hall - 136 Modena Rd.
- Modena (Veteran’s Constructions) - 12 Union St.
- Coatesville Flower Shop (in place of Olivet)- 259 Lincoln Highway
- Blue Spot Laundry (Sadsbury Township) - 2981 Lincoln Highway
- Bigfoot Automotive (Westwood) - 1391 Valley Rd
Also, meals will continued to be dropped off to Regency Park Apartments and Indian Run. If we add any other distribution points over the weekend they will be added to our website message on Sunday.
Parents and students, thank you for remaining engaged with your schools this past week. Your words of encouragement to our staff have been incredibly meaningful. Thank you for your support, patience and flexibility. Working together, we can keep our community healthy and safe. Looking forward to everyone showing their Red Raider Spirit this week.
Dr. Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.18.2020
Update 3.18.20
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
We are still waiting for guidance and direction from the PA Secretary of Education and Governor on a number of issues. Although the Pennsylvania Department of Education updated the FAQ’s on their website today - https://www.education.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx, however no official direction has been presented. As soon as we learn more, we’ll be sure to update you.
The scheduled March 24, 2020 school board meeting will be live streamed because of the Governor’s mandatory shut down of all schools in the Commonwealth. Information on how the community will be able to participate will be sent to the community on Friday, March 20th. This information will coincide with the publishing of the board agenda.
To ensure our students are able to continue their academic growth, the teaching staff, administration, and technology department have developed a link on our District website, https://www.casdschools.org/site/Default.aspxPageType=1&SiteID=4&ChannelID=1792&DirectoryType=6 to provide educational resources that students can access via their Chromebooks, personal computers, or any other electronic device with internet access. The assignments and lessons posted on the website will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen previously taught skills and strategies. In addition to these lessons and activities, additional resources are provided by grade level and content area. Please know that these resources, lessons, and activities are not mandatory, as we know not everyone will be able to work through the provided assignments.
In the event we have to start an online learning program for our students, we are continuing to work with a partner to expedite onboarding Coatesville Area School District with Build Something Different Education (https://www.bsd.education/). BSD packages Professional Development, and technology integration into the classroom, and contains a platform to land our students, teachers, and their projects in a classroom management tool with real time analytics. BSD integrates with Google Classroom and through discussion has committed to supporting our district. We had a presentation by BSD at the last Committee meeting. We will be discussing this again at the March 24, 2020 board meeting.
Also, all students have been assigned Microsoft licensing and a provisioned mailbox for their use. This is a district issued E-mail account and should be kept in mind, like other resources, is provided for appropriate use. At this time, we are sharing this as a method for communication between staff and students during the closure. E-mail can be accessed by going to www.office.com and clicking “Outlook,” students should logon using: [studentID]@casdschools.org and their regular password (for example 123456789@casdschools.org). Helpful steps and how-to can be found on our district Technology page under “O365 Help” https://www.casdschools.org/Page/6561.
As we work through this challenge please do not hesitate to reach out to the Technology department via a help ticket which can be entered by going to http://helpdesk.casdschools.org or E-mailing ithelpdesk@casdschools.org for any Technology needs or requests. Please include as much detail as possible, as well as a best way to contact you during the day.
The Technology department will respond and provide assistance as quickly as possible. We are not currently performing any hardware repairs, swaps, or pick-ups but will continue to explore all options available to meet the needs of our district.
We would like to share a resource for internet to families who do not currently have internet and are qualified low-income households. Information for Comcast Essentials can be found at https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19. New Internet Essentials customers will receive two free months of internet service, which is available to all qualified low-income households for $9.95/month plus tax. Applications are due by April 30th, 2020.
“Can I disconnect from Internet Essentials at any time?
Yes, you can disconnect Internet Essentials service at any time. If you are a new customer and apply by April 30, 2020, you will receive two months free. After which, you can either cancel the service (which you can do at any time) or keep it as a regular paying Internet Essentials customer for $9.95 per month plus tax. Because there is no contract, a customer can disconnect their Internet Essentials service at any time without penalty.”
“Once approved for Internet Essentials, how long will it take for me to receive Internet?
If you selected a self-installation kit, please allow 5-7 days to receive your kit.”
Our community has come together to help distribute over 2,938 meals to our families so far. The Coatesville Area School District is so grateful to all who have helped us. Thank you for supporting our school district and our community. We will continue to follow the same meal program:
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary School, Caln Elementary School, Scott Middle School, the Senior High School, Benner Building, West End Fire Hall, Olivet Methodist, Modena Borough Hall, and South Coatesville Borough Hall. We will also be delivering meals to Indian Run Village and Regency Park Apartments. This is available for any child under the age of 18. We will be continuing to communicate with additional location sites as they become available. If you have any questions about receiving food, please contact Erin Robinson, 610-466-2405 Robinsone@casdschools.org or Brenda Wolf, 610-466-2404at wolfb@casdschools.org.
In addition, Iccara Pizza is providing free lunch for our Coatesville students K-12 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM! The options are a slice of pizza with apple juice or orange juice, or spaghetti with sauce and an apple juice or orange juice. Iccara has expressed that they want to help our community as much as they can during this time. Iccara Pizzeria is located at 691 W. Kings Highway. This free lunch will be pick-up only!
Thank you for your support, patience and flexibility. Working together, we can keep our communities healthy and safe.
Rick Dunlap
CASD, Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.17.2020
Update 3.17.20
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
We’re still waiting for guidance and direction from the PA Secretary of Education and Governor on a number of issues; As soon as we learn more, we’ll be sure to update you.
We are in the planning stages of being able to conduct our School Board meeting on March 24, 2020. The meeting will be live streamed because of the Governor’s mandatory shut down of all schools in the Commonwealth. Information on how the community will be able to participate will be sent to the community on Friday, March 20. This information will coincide with the publishing of the board agenda.
Our community has come together in impressive ways to help distribute meals to our families. The Coatesville Area School District is so grateful to all who have helped us. Thank you for supporting our school district and our community. We will continue to follow the same meal program:
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary School, Caln Elementary School, Scott Middle School, the Senior High School, Benner Building, West End Fire Hall, Olivet Methodist, Modena Borough Hall, and South Coatesville Borough Hall. We will also be delivering meals to Indian Run Village and Regency Park Apartments. This is available for any child under the age of 18. We will be continuing to communicate with additional location sites as they become available. If you have any questions about receiving food, please contact Erin Robinson, 610-466-2405 Robinsone@casdschools.org or Brenda Wolf, 610-466-2404at wolfb@casdschools.org.
Starting today, Iccara Pizza is providing free lunch for our Coatesville students K-12 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM! The options are a slice of pizza with apple juice or orange juice, or spaghetti with sauce and an apple juice or orange juice. Iccara has expressed that they want to help our community as much as they can during this time. Iccara Pizzeria is located at 691 W. Kings Highway. This free lunch will be pick-up only!
To ensure our students are able to continue their academic growth, the teaching staff, administration, and technology department have developed a link on our District website, https://www.casdschools.org/site/Default.aspx?PageType=1&SiteID=4&ChannelID=1792&DirectoryType=6 to provide educational resources that students can access via their Chromebooks, personal computers, or any other electronic device with internet access. The assignments and lessons posted on the website will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen previously taught skills and strategies. In addition to these lessons and activities, additional resources are provided by grade level and content area. Please know that these resources, lessons, and activities are not mandatory, as we know not everyone will be able to work through the provided assignments.
The Administration building will remain closed until March 30th. We will not be letting anyone other than essential Coatesville Area School District employees enter the building. If you need assistance, please email the correct department. If you are unsure who the correct person is, you can email Melanie Crescenz at crescenzm@casdschools.org or call the district receptionist 610-466-2400.
Thank you for your support, patience and flexibility. Working together, we can keep our communities healthy and safe.
Rick Dunlap
CASD, Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.16.2020
Update 3.16.20
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
I would like to thank everyone for your patience and understanding as we continue to work together during this difficult time. I know that many of you have numerous questions, as do we. We have submitted a number of questions to the Department of Education around the 180 day requirement, special education requirements, and preparation for closing out the 2019-2020 school year. As we receive answers and direction from the Department of Education and the Governor’s Office, we will share this information with you. We are also working with our solicitor to help provide guidance for us.
In the meantime, we are continuing to provide meals for our students. We are grateful to all of our municipalities and CCAP for helping us organize volunteers. Thank you for the support that you have given our families and the Coatesville Area School District. If you have any questions about receiving food, please contact Erin Robinson, 610-466-2405 Robinsone@casdschools.org or Brenda Wolf, 610-466-2404at wolfb@casdschools.org.
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary School, Caln Elementary School, Scott Middle School, the Senior High School, Benner Building, West End Fire Hall, Olivet Methodist, Modena Borough Hall, and South Coatesville Borough Hall. We will also be delivering meals to Indian Run Village and Regency Park Apartments. This is available for any child under the age of 18. We will be continuing to communicate with additional location sites as they become available.
Starting March 17, 2020, Iccara Pizza is providing free lunch for our Coatesville students K-12 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM! The options are a slice of pizza with apple juice or orange juice, or spaghetti with sauce and an apple juice or orange juice. Iccara has expressed that they want to help our community as much as they can during this time. Iccara Pizzeria is located at 691 W. Kings Highway. This free lunch will be pick-up only!
To ensure our students are able to continue their academic growth, the teaching staff, administration, and technology department have developed a link on our District website, https://www.casdschools.org/E-Lessons to provide educational resources that students can access via their Chromebooks, personal computers, or any other electronic device with internet access. The assignments and lessons posted on the website will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen previously taught skills and strategies. In addition to these lessons and activities, additional resources are provided by grade level and content area. Please know that these resources, lessons, and activities are not mandatory, as we know not everyone will be able to work through the provided assignments.
The Administration building is closed until March 30th. We will not be letting anyone other than essential Coatesville Area School District employees enter the building. If you need assistance, please email the correct department. If you are unsure who the correct person is, you can email Melanie Crescenz at crescenzm@casdschools.org or call the district receptionist 610-466-2400.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility. Working together, we can keep our communities healthy and safe.
Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.15.2020
COVID-19 Update 3.15.20
Dear Coatesville Area School District Parents, Staff and Community,
I want to provide you with an update about how the Coatesville Area School District will operate over the next two weeks, as we will be in a mandatory shutdown of schools. We recognize that this presents a serious challenge for our community, and we’ll do all we can to support our families and students. We know there are a lot of questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them. All updates will be sent via email and posted on our website.
1. How can parents pick up medicine and other essential items during the closure? Building principals will be present from 8 a.m. to noon on Monday, March 16 at schools for parents to collect their children’s medication and essential items such as eyeglasses that may still be in the building. We will ask parents to wait in the lobby while a principal retrieves the medication. You will need to bring identification. To set up alternate arrangements to retrieve medication, please contact 610-466-2431 or 610-466-2432,or email Pupil Services Director, Mrs. Rita Perez, at perezr@casdschools.org.
2. What types of learning activities can I provide for my child? To ensure our students are able to continue their academic growth, the teaching staff, administration, and technology department have developed a link on our District website, https://www.casdschools.org/site/Default.aspx?PageType=1&SiteID=4&ChannelID=1792&DirectoryType=6to provide educational resources that students can access via their Chromebooks, personal computers, or any other electronic device with internet access. The assignments and lessons posted on the website will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen previously taught skills and strategies. In addition to these lessons and activities, additional resources are provided by grade level and content area. Please know that these resources, lessons, and activities are not mandatory, as we know not everyone will be able to work through the provided assignments.
3. Do we have to make up these days since the governor stated that no district will be penalized for not meeting the 180-day requirement? The PA Department of Education made this announcement but has not clarified rules for school districts. We will not ask our students to make up days that they aren’t required to. Our official calendar has our last day of school listed at June 11. We have four snow days, and until now, have used one for students. That day, Friday, March 13, 2020, was a teacher work-day. We will work with the association and adjust for this. We will be sure to communicate about this as we receive clarification from the state.
4. How will a two-week shutdown impact graduation dates, PSSA tests, field trips, etc.? Right now, graduation is on track for the existing date (June 11.) We don’t know yet whether the state will waive PSSA testing and/or Keystone testing. Short term field trips have been canceled and principals/teachers will reach out to parents about other field trips as the situation evolves.
5. How are we assisting our families during this shutdown? We are able to provide meals and we have volunteers. We are grateful to all of our municipalities and CCAP for helping us organize volunteers. Thank you for the support that you have given our families and the Coatesville Area School District. If you have any questions about receiving food, please contact Erin Robinson, 610-466-2405 Robinsone@casdschools.orgor Brenda Wolf, 610-466-2404at wolfb@casdschools.org.
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary School, Caln Elementary School, Scott Middle School, the Senior High School, Benner Building, West End Fire Hall, Olivet Methodist – (Tuesday-Friday), Modena Borough Hall, and South Coatesville Borough Hall. We will also be delivering meals to Indian Run Village and Regency Park Apartments.This is available for any child under the age of 18. We will be continuing to communicate with additional location sites as they become available.
For families needing services during this time, please see the links below for the Chester County Food Bank and Mitzvah Circle. We also have attached a list of Youth Mental Health Services.
6. What can the District do to assist families who have children experiencing anxiety? Our Pupil Services Department is providing resources for families. Included with this email are resources for the National Association of School Psychologists, The American School Counselor Association, The ChildMind Institute, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In addition, the School Counselors have included contact information for Chester County Mental Health Resources and Support in their e-learning folder.
Cómo hablar con los niños sobre el coronavirus _ Child Mind Institute.pdf
Coping with Stress During Infetious Desease Outbreaks.pdf
Countering Coronavirus Stigma and Racism_Parents_Spanish.pdf
Countering COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Stigma and Racism_ Tips for Parents and Caregivers.pdf
COVID-19_parent_handout_NASP_NASN_2-20_FINAL English.pdf
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus _ Child Mind Institute.pdf
Once again, I thank you for your partnership in our effort to keep our schools safe and healthy. As I have repeatedly stated, this situation is very fluid, and as more information comes forward, we will do our best to continue to communicate with you in a timely way with the best information we have. Again, all closure-related updates will be sent via email and posted on our website.
Rick Dunlap
Interim Superintendent
COVID-19 Update 3.13.2020
COVID-19 School Closures 3.13.20
Dear Parents, Staff and Community Members,
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf has ordered all schools in the Commonwealth to close for 10 business days in an attempt to contain the Coronavirus.
The Coatesville Area School District will close from Monday, March 16 – Friday, March 27 and will reopen on Monday, March 30, 2020. The date to reopen may change based upon information regarding the spread of COVID-19.
Only essential District personnel will report to work to maintain the basic operations of the District. This will include selected central office staff members, custodians and maintenance, food service, security, and members of the technology department. Principals and building secretaries will be in their buildings on Monday, March 16th from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Students and staff may access the building at this time to pick up any personal belongings.
To ensure our students are able to continue their academic growth, the teaching staff, administration, and technology department has developed a link on our District website to provide educational resources that students can access via their Chromebooks, personal computers, or any other electronic device with internet access. The assignments and lessons posted on the website will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen previously taught skills and strategies. In addition to these lessons and activities, additional resources are provided by grade level and content area. Please know that these resources, lessons and activities are not mandatory, as we know not everyone will be able to work through the provided assignments.
Be aware that no school district will be penalized if it fails to meet the 180 day or school hours requirements.
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary, Scott Middle School, or the Senior High School. This is available for any child under the age of 18. We will be continuing to communicate with additional location sites as they become available.
For families needing services during this time, please see below the links below for the Chester County Food Bank, and Mitzvah Circle. We also have attached a list of Youth Mental Health Services.
Once again, I thank you for your partnership in our effort to keep our schools safe and healthy. This situation is very fluid, as more information comes forward, we will do our best to continue to communicate with you in a timely way with the best information we have.
Rick Dunlap
COVID-19 Update 3-12-2020
School Closing for 3.12.20
Tomorrow all Coatesville Area School District schools will be closed for students, due to the number of staff who will be out because of the Governor’s Quarantine, combined with normal staff absences. Tomorrow will be treated as a snow day for the District. We have had no snow days this school year. There will be no before or after care for students.
All Coatesville teachers are asked to come to Coatesville Area Senior High School with your district-issued laptops at 9:00 AM. We will be conducting professional development to prepare for any future days off because of COVID-19. All other staff members are to report to their assigned work areas at the normal work time.
We will be providing a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for students (they can be picked up together) between the hours of 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Rainbow Elementary, Scott Middle School, or the Senior High School. This is available for any district student.
We’ll make a determination over the weekend as to future closings/openings, and will be waiting to hear from the PA Department of Education for guidance on this. You may have heard that the Governor of PA has ordered that all Montgomery County School Districts close for the next two weeks. We are coordinating very closely with government and health officials and understand that any school closures will provide a significant hardship for our community. At the same time, we know it’s very important to make decisions based on community health and the guidance of health professionals. We will be sure to communicate thoroughly and proactively as the situation evolves.
COVID-19 Update 3-11-2020
Corona Virus Update 3.11.20
Dear Parents, Staff, and Community Members,
Please read this update on Coatesville Area School District’s response to COVID-19:
- I would like to reiterate the messages previously shared with you about prevention: frequent and thorough hand washing, covering our cough, and staying home when ill. Students who demonstrate influenza-like symptoms while in school will be sent home (this is also true for staff.) Guidelines for when to keep a child home from school are available for your reference and posted on our website.
- Our facility department follows a rigorous sanitation plan in our schools. All of our classrooms and common areas are cleaned and sanitized every day, with more frequent attention paid to high traffic areas like bathrooms, doorknobs, student desks, and hand-rails. Our buses are also being included in this effort, with seats and surfaces regularly cleaned.
- To limit exposure and risk, we are suspending all outside volunteers, outside groups, and large group gatherings. Currently, we have stopped hosting PIAA events on our campus. We will be notifying outside groups that we will be cancelling all events until April 14th. Although we plan to resume normal routines and events on April 14th, 2020, we will need to evaluate that decision based on recommendations and suggestions from the Department of Health. Again, as events are cancelled or postponed, information will be shared with you.
- As a district, we are closely monitoring the advice of the Chester County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and are following their guidelines. We are constantly communicating with school districts in the county and region. We also have a district-wide Pandemic Preparedness Plan that governs our response to the progression of events like COVID-19. We are currently following the plan at the Heightened Surveillance.
- In review of our Pandemic Preparedness Plan, we are strongly considering postponing all field trips and international trips. If you are impacted by a postponed or cancelled trip, additional information will be sent to you. We will be making decisions on these trips within the next few days.
- Several of the schools that we are scheduled to compete against in the next few weeks (home or away) are located in Montgomery County. In an overabundance of caution and with the health and safety of our students and coaches in mind, we have decided to cancel or postpone any events with Montgomery County schools for the next few weeks. We have also postponed events with Henderson and Unionville as they are also potentially involved with a case(s) of exposure to COVID-19. We have made contact with schools regarding this decision and they have been extremely cooperative with us throughout this process. We are postponing all hosted school events held in district facilities after tomorrow. For any other events cancelled or postponed we will communicate a list of postponed events with you.
- We’ve been asked by parents about our attendance policy in light of COVID-19. The District will be following a less strict attendance policy at this time. Based on state regulations, the truancy letter must be sent by the District to notify you of your child’s absence after 7 days. There are no external consequences beyond the letter. While a doctor’s note is normally required to excuse a student’s absence, we will accept a parent letter as an excused absence from school during this time.
Once again, I thank you for your partnership in our effort to keep our schools safe and healthy. This situation is very fluid, as more information comes forward, we will do our best to continue to communicate with you in a timely way with the best information we have.
Rick Dunlap