
    Computer Aided Drafting And Design I, II, III

    This course covers the operation of Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Software from basic to advanced. This course provides students with the concepts and skills necessary for the creation of technical designs and drawings. Drafting skills are developed through the use of computer assisted drawings. Use of the commands and input methods will be stressed. The course covers applied drafting concepts appropriate for designs in manufacturing, architectural, mechanical, and civil engineering. The main emphasis will be the application of CAD software. Entity creation, editing, dimensioning, file management, single view drawings, floor plans, and plotting will be covered. Students progress from two-dimensional projection to solid modeling, assemblies, and rendering. Emphasis will be placed on personal computer based CAD systems through a series of increasingly difficult drafting assignments culminating in a presentation quality final project and portfolio of completed drawings.

    A "hands on" self-paced approach will be taken.


    Wood Technology I

    This course covers the basics of woodworking. This course provides students with the ability to interact in an independent and small group setting by designing and fabricating a series of wood projects. Student will also learn to select and implement mathematical principles by applying them to shop calculations, measuring, and cost analysis. In addition they will analyze a working drawing and develop a cost projection and materials list using mathematical methods. Sudents will progreess to demonstrate the ability to interpret safe working conditions by analyzing the shop environment, isolating potential hazards, and presenting a corrective action plan, Lastly, they will explore career opportunities associated with the woodworking trades by designing and producing individual, and group projects that integrate product design, tool application, fabrication, and finishing.

