Phone: 610) 383-3780 Ext. 26120


Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Erin Talley

My name is Miss Erin Talley, born and raised in Chester County and graduated from Avon Grove School District.  From there, I graduated from West Chester University witha Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.  Afterwards, I obtained a Master's Degree from Gratz College in Philadelphia and furthered my schooling to over 60 extra credits. 

In 2003, I began my teaching career at Rainbow Elementary, right out of college.  So far, I have taught third, fourth, and fifth grades spanning over a total of fifteen years.

When not at work, I LOVE watching Philadelphia sports teams, completing home projects, cooking, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

It is an honor to have your child in class this year!  I promise to make his/her last year of Elementary School both challenging and memorable.

If you have any quesions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me!