- Coatesville Area Senior High School
- Honors PreCalculus
Honors Pre – Calculus
Mr. Sheller
Email: shellerd@casdschools.org
Topics to be discussed:
Chapter 1: Functions and Their Graphs
Chapter 2: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 4: Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 5: Analytic Trigonometry
Chapter 6: Additional Topics in Trigonometry
Chapter 11: Limits and an Introduction to Calculus
Chapter 9: Topics in Analytic Geometry
Chapter 7: Linear Systems and Matrices
- Students’ grades will be based on their performance on the following items:
- Tests will be given at the completion of each chapter and will be announced approximately one week in advance. Tests missed due to a legal absence can be made up. Tests missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule a time to make up their test.
- Quizzes will be given periodically. They may or may not be announced ahead of time. Quizzes missed due to a legal absence can be made up. Quizzes missed due to an unexcused absence may not be made up. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule a time to make up their quiz.
- Homework will be given almost every night. At the beginning of each marking period, each student will receive 50 points for homework. Five points will be deducted for each assignment not completed. The entire assignment must be completed to receive credit. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED unless you are legally absent. All students are required to fill out a homework excuse when they do not have their homework assignment.
- Organization is essential, thus you will be required to keep notes, handouts, and homework organized in a notebook. A record of points earned for each assignment should also be maintained in the front of the binder. Periodic unannounced inspections and “quizzes” will be given on the notebook.
Board Problems
- Each student will be required to put a minimum of 10 problems on the board throughout each marking period. Any additional solutions put on the board will result in extra credit points.
- Students are encouraged to be in class everyday. There is a direct relationship between class attendance and class success. If a student is absent, he/she must have an excuse from the attendance office before entering the classroom. Students will only be allowed to make up missed assignments if the absence is excused; unexcused absences will result in a 0% for all missed assignments.