• Significant Disproportionality


    The Bureau of Special Education (BSE) is mandated to annually identify local education agencies (LEA's) with significant disproportionality with respect to 1) the identification of children with disabilities, 2) the placement in particular education settings, and 3) the incidence, duration and type of disciplinary removals from placements, including suspensions and expulsions.  Based upon the risk ratio for the Coatesville Area School District using data from the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 school years, there is significant disproportionality with respect to discipline including in school suspension and total removals of students who are Black/African American (non-Hispanic) as reported from the student information system.  There are three actions required under federal regulations:

    1. The state must provide for the review and, if appropriate, revision of the LEA's policies, procedures and practices to ensure compliance with the IDEA regulations.  This review should begin in the Fall of 2020. 
    2. The LEA must reserve the maximum amount (15%) of the flow through funds it receives under IDEA to provide Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS).
    3. The LEA must publicly report on revision of its policies, procedures and practices.

    For additional information, please visit Department of Education Significant Disproportionality Information