• Welcome with sun SONG
    Rhythm and the BEAT
    We are going to learn about rhythm today.
    Rhythm in a song is the way the words go.
    Think about the song London Bridge is Falling Down.
    Some words have one sound or syllable like "down", other words have 2 sounds or syllables like "Lon-don".
    Sing along with:
    Watch the next video to see how Beet and Cherry are going to help us learn rhythm in music.
    Beet has 1 sound, cherry has 2 sounds. 
    In music when we have one sound like Beet, we call it a ta.  When we have 2 sounds like cherry,
    we call it a ti ti.
    Say Beet              Beet           Cher-ry           Beet
    Ta Ta Ti Ti Ta
    I wrote the ta ta and the ti ti and the ta for you on the next picture.
    Try to say and clap the rhythm.
    Ta Ta Ti Ti Ta written
    Find some items in your house that you can make 2 different sounds with.
    Practice saying and playing
    Beet Beet Cherry Beet
    and then
    ta ta ti ti ta
    Then use your found instruments along with this song.
    Knick Knack
    Barefoot Books Knick Knack Paddy Whack Sing A long
    What instruments can you identify in the video?
    Send Mrs. Ford an email:  fordc@casdschools.org