
                                   Third Grade Cycle 7

    Hey, my friends, have you ever been to Summer Camp? Let’s pretend that is where we are going today!

    After a long afternoon of outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing, singing songs by the campfire is a great way to end the day.


     Let’s start by getting up and moving to these songs!


    "Home on the Range" :   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3za2tJ6JYns  (This is John Denver and the Muppets, 

    You guys know I love the Muppets!!He does not sing all the verses, though! :(    Bummer!!!

    “There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea”:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK6UNRnbfnw  

    Here are the motions when you sing each word: Hole = make a circle with your fingers/ Sea = point to the floor/Log = bump two fists together/Branch = reach your fingers out in front/Bump = tap the top of your head/ Frog = make circles around your eyes with your fingers/Speck = point to a spot on top of your hand/Flea = scratch your speck on your hand


    “My Aunt Came Back”:       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysZvMtnion8


    What did you see when we went hiking today? If you were in Australia, you might hear and see a Kookabura. Listen to these songs.

    Kookaburra Song:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grEIkQ-j-kE

    Squirrel Song:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG_Gz67Crt8


    To end our day of camp fun, here is SpongeBob singing his campfire song:



    I hope you had fun at “summer camp”!


    Come back soon!